ALLNUTRITION BLUEBERRY IN JELLY are berries in gel, i.e. so-called. Frużelina. Blueberry in Jelly has a light consistency, slightly reminiscent of jelly, in which we dipped whole berries. Our frużeliny are made only from the highest quality fruit.
BLUEBERRY IN JELLY can be used in many different ways. As an addition to waffles and pancakes, ice cream, whipped cream, pastry masses, dumplings, pasta, rice. All fruits before processing were fresh and carefully selected.
Berry and its origin:
Bilberry (Blueberry) (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) is a species of perennial plant from the heather family. The following names functioned in Polish folk and traditional nomenclature: borowina, borowownik, borowczak, borówka, common blueberry, blueberry, forest blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, cyanosis and many others.
The plant is widely distributed in Asia, Europe and North America in temperate and arctic areas. In Poland it is common both in the lowlands and in the mountains. It is widely used as an edible and medicinal plant. In addition, it has a positive effect on the eyesight and the circulatory system.